Sunday 1 September 2024

Double Arse Fridays 30th-31st August

 As I type this laying in bed feeling exhausted I reflect on some memories of  number 25 Gillingham St, Preston, a home inhabited by Spira Jaquie and "Boy Boy "aka Lewi. A leafy inner north suburb of Melbourne,  central to most hip cool cafes from Sydney Rd to Northcote & the Fitzroy's.

One of my fondest memories was sitting by the front porch sipping on coffee and watching the world go by , the porch has a waist high wall with some pot plants on top , making for perfect eye spy on who is walking pass and fellow neighbours , our eyes can see out but from the front can never see if someone is sitting behind the wall, also Jaq's quirky art props and sometimes a mannequin of some scary witch or 3 eyed mutated human sitting by the front window or sometimes in the yard, would scare the shit out of me on occasions when visiting... the star and unique feature of this 1950's?? home was the outside dunny perfect for the download I had been holding on to especially after last nights Vindaloo curry, was never a worry of stinking the house out especially when I don't live there or flushing after each log that fell into the void, and the cosy bungalow I stayed in a few times whilst house sitting was also a great addition.

The time had come for move out date for Spira & Jaq  after purchasing a home 5 mins up the road and getting away from greedy landlords, I made way early morning around 9ish just in time for a coffee and a debrief of the plan of the day for moving 100's of art work pieces to be carefully transported in my van in a dedicated art room in the new home which Spira built racks/shelves specifically to fit.

Arriving at the new digs was given a tour, the grand front entrance of beautiful polished marble with speckled white green goldish concrete steps which lead up to the front door with the classic wog white pillars makes for a warm welcome.

For the next three hours we made 3 trips back and fourth was making good progress considering was a delicate operation as the art frames are fragile, we all decided was time for a much needed break and lunch so we piled into the car and headed for Preston Market, a multi cultural culinary choice of food stalls with its colourful people of all walks of life , and also a busker belting out some tunes on a saxophone makes for good vibes.  Jaq and I opted to eat pizza while Spira made a v/line for some borek and sweets which after stuffing my face also got stuck into it, such a great place to sit and people watch. 

Sometimes the view is blocked with daylight starting to turn to dark like a once in a hundred year solar eclipse and the light winter breeze gets stronger the serviettes start flying off the tables , market stalls umbrellas start shaking , the middle aged mens bald comb overs fly up exposing their shiny bald peak shining bright like a light bulb they scurry to the nearest bathroom and with our eyes lured to a persons wide rear end ... I mean big juicy fat arse! its with surprise our eyes are confused and looking at their front arse too as if the person was exposed to Chenobyle and being born with two arses front and back and has overtime become obese , but was not one but two of the similar kind , wearing their tight compression sport pants , I don't think the pants have seen any sport but just being suffocated in their flabs of wobbly lard which begs for more sugary soft drinks and KFC zinger burgers... holy Dooley we also couldn't help but crack a few passing fat jokes around our little round table whilst admiring double bum people such as the classic "how do you find fat women wet spot?"  roll them around in flour!" or " your mum so fat she puts her lipstick on with a paint roller!"   or when a double arsed person gets on the scales the scales say "One at a time please!"   Its also their legs are inverted the curve from the thighs and calves bends in a inward direction  how is this possible?? Was discussion about how they wipe their arse or add an "S" on the end of arse, Jaq reckons they use bum floss and Spira went into the detail of their body anatomy and how things stop working leading them to a premature death.

Soon the sun reappears that strong breeze settles the flying comb over middle aged men reappear from the bathrooms rearranging their slick heads, and we are also off walking back to the car still having a giggle, another front bum reappears in front of us sitting down eating his way to a heart attack  with the extra hanging flab touching the cold concrete, I think the market needs a dedicated lypo suction stall or a paramedic on stand by.

Anyway enough fat shaming sorry to offend anyone reading this, back at Gillingham we were back into it loading various boxes of books art and kitchen stuff into back of the van making a few more trips for the afternoon, the afternoon went quick and with Spira happy with the days progress was around 6ish we called it a day and went for a couple of relaxing beers on Sydney Rd Brunswick, followed by some dinner , after a little explore scouting out some food a bright lit up Nepalese restaurant lured us across the road to suss out the menu, Spira said lets try it!. The atmosphere is like stepping into an airports cafe lounge/ bar restaurant type places with plastic seating tables zero atmosphere, I don't think we were expecting much from the food. 

After been greeted by and handed our laminated menu by our waitress we opted to share some beef momo's in a subtle spicy soup followed by some lamb skewers and a vegetable thali platter , was a bit of confusion on what the lamb skewers were as the menu had an option Jhol skewer or gee hole gee spot...

Food come out was bloody amazing fresh fragrant spicy salty sour notes, we tucked into our Jhol beef and polished the platter and the momo soupy liquid it come in was very delicious! for any one interested reading the place is called Momo Central. 

Was a great end to a busy day and soon turned in for the night after a picking up the trailer at the local service station as the big stuff like couches tables etc... was to be moved the next day.

Saturday morning come around after a reasonable sleep, coffee and eggs on toast we we back into it, I got promoted to driving for the day so was good opportunity to show off my reverse parking with a trailer skills, after the 4th load trip back and fourth I was reversing into the driveway in one single go yeehaaa!!  As the day got on Louies mates come and gave us some help  to carry some heavy duty tables and shelving into and various other items, I think by around 4 pm we were finished and could finally relax , Jaq cooked up some sausages with some yummy bread for a late lunch and some beers.

Followed by some couch time chilling out on the couch for a couple of hours before taking the trailer back and heading back to Gillingham to pick up my car and watching Spira and Jaq collect the last two items Eddie and Kittsy the cats.  Was a great couple of days arse watching and people watching and with that come an end of an era, the final curtain , one door closed and another opened for Spira & Jaq start of a new chapter at the new home to make more memories all the best! 

The End.

Saturday 10 August 2024

Mt Bogong winter ascent 2nd August

After just spending last weekend snowshoeing & camping during a snowmageddon event around St Gwinear which was epic, a blue bird weekend was forecasted for the following week around the back country high plains so i took the long drive up to the Bogong area on a chilly Friday morning.

Plan was to take the easy hike up Eskdale Spur and camp somewhere above the tree line , was tossing up between the Staircase Spur but was not in the mood for a relentless grind!

Made good time from Melbourne arriving the trailhead around 9:30 am, was another few cars parked here also no doubt some back country skiers getting in fresh turns. 

 After faffing about sorting out my gear I was walking up the trail a little after 10 , sun was shining and was soon taking off layers , made it to Michelle Hut which sits at around 1500 meters above sea level, met a a bloke Dan who was on his last day of a four day hike and was heading back to his car at Mountain Creek , after 10 minutes of chit chat we were both on our way.

Made my way up above the tree line and the Granite Spur junction and awesome views of the North facing slopes of Mt Bogong,  was also a great spot to camp so i decided would set my tent up here and slog it up to the summit ridge, was looking a little icy so opted for crampons and was soon on my way , sun shining I lathered up on some sunscreen.

Could see in the distance a back country skier skinning his way back up one of gully's  as i slowly made my way up and taking many photos.

Got to the ridge line but too lazy to walk the last 500 meters across to the summit cairn, could also see in far distance Mt Feathertop poking out above , after spending about 15 minutes taking a few snaps made my way back down to my tent to relax the last few hours of what was left of the afternoon sipping on tea and building a wind break around the mighty Macpac Minaret, come across two skiers skinning their way up to the ridge, also the fella I saw in the gully earlier walking back down , he stopped  for a chit chat telling me how awesome the skiing was , he was in a hurry to get back down as he had a beer waiting for him.

Two skiers I passed coming down


Had a fairly good sleep despite the wind picking up in the morning i broke camp by 8am and a had a nice 4 km walk out back to the car,  on my way back to Melbourne stopped at the cafe in Tawonga for brunch of coffee and home made sausage rolls went down a treat!  till next time.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Mt Speculation -koonika via Muesli Spur. (Views into the Wonnangatta)


Clouds roll over the Crosscut into the Wonnangatta

Having visited the area earlier in the year on a hot January weekend and cutting the trip short as it was too bloody hot for walking, thought early June now is the perfect time to return to the Howitt area and tackle Mt Spec and Muesli Spurs this time.

Lacking motivation to drive up Friday night I sucked it up and left Melbourne around 5:30am to arrive at the trailhead, was a foggy morning in some parts nearing Mansfield thicker I switched to high beams to be seen!

After a coffee and breakfast in Mansfield I made way way to the Buller Mt Stirling gates, declared snow season opening weekend the gates were manned with resort officials, expecting to pay a resort entry fee surprisingly only asking me where I am going they waved me thru free of charge, fair enough as there is no snow and the circuit rd gates don't shut for the season for a another 3 days.

Made the slow windy 1 hour drive to the Muesli Spur trailhead no one else here but lonesome self.

Was soon off walking a little after 10am making my way up the spur was pleasant and soon was stripping of layers as I was on all fours scrambling up some rocky steep sections , found a headlamp along the way also and soon after the track is blocked by fallen tree and scrub with no way around but over, the tree branches were slippy and wet so caution was taken.

Some 2 hours later I popped out of the bush onto Speculation Rd, a rough rocky 4wd track and quite tedious to walk on I turned right heading east.  The plan was to fit in a side trip to Mt Koonika a cairn marks the start point up on Spec Rd, low on water and none on the way via this route I decided I would return via Koonika the next day so I could collect water further up at a water source.

A couple collecting firewood further up the road didn't see me coming up , with arm load of tinder in her hands  she screamed and jumped out of her skin throwing all the timber in the air , her bf thought it was helerious after small chit chat I was on my way, arrived at Camp Creek and loaded up on water for tonight and tomorrow and made my way up the steep slope to Mt Speculation.

Got up on Mt Spec around 3ish great views all around to surrounding peaks and into the Wonnangatta Valley, top place to spend the night after settling in faffing around with my tent I thought I had the place myself , 3 walkers come up from the other side around 5 pm they walked from Upper Howqua up Helicopter Spur a solid days walk I gave them kudos and chatted before dinner.

Cooked up a vegetable stir fry with tuna and settled in for the night the temperature dropped to around 5 degree and dropping into the evening.

Had an ok sleep I set the alarm for 6am as I wanted to check sunset out, so I rolled out of the tent for natures television show of sunrise and clouds hovering over the valley and moving over like a waterfall on the Crosscutsaw and Mt Buggery , was sublime.

Was packed up after a coffee and muesli bar and walking by 8 , headed up the true summit of Mt Spec and started the walk on the ridge that leads to Mt Koonika I picked up a very faint pad the walking was straight forward in some parts the track would disappear but just kept on the middle of the spur , arrived at the summit cairn of Mt Koonika no views as the cloud and fog rolled in , I dropped down a km on the other side and rejoined Mt Spec Rd and made my way to Muesli Spur. The ridge walk to Koonika took approx 1 and a half and 4kms was beautiful walking thru this section.

Heading towards Mt Koonika

My tent on Mt Speculation


Headed down Muesli Spur by this stage light rain started to fall , I stowed the poles and bum slid down the steep rocky parts was down at the car a little after 1pm, change of fresh clothes and headed off and stopped down the bottom in Mirimbah for a bucket of hot chips and almond latte , surprisingly the coffee was good 👍🏼.  A great overnighter with special views covered approx 24kms of mostly moderate walking.

Looking down from Koonika

Muesli spur scramble

One of the bum slide sections

Monday 27 May 2024

Mt Erica Via NBW HUT


Took the shortish drive across to Baw Baw National Park , aim was to locate NBW Hut, started walking up from Erica car park around 10ish beautiful crisp sunny morning, forgotten how nice it is in the Baw Baws. Found my turn to the right past Mushroom Rocks and headed off the trail in search of this "No Bloodyy Women' Hut! aka NBW
come prepared with the coordinate marked on the GPS aswell as compass and paper map incase of any iPhone mishaps. There is a very faint pad on route as well as yellow flag tape along the way so was quite straight forward but still required good concentration as I did go awol at one point faced with a wall of thick impassable scrub, retraced my steps back and found the correct route sort of. Crossed a dryish creek and a few meters later arrived at Rum Creek very beautiful creek I collected water and forged on another 50 meters and got to the hut.

Had a snack and read a few comments on the log book some dated back to 2015 pretty cool!  and also spooky vibe, I too signed the log book took a few photos and decided I would continue off track north west up to Mt Erica to rejoin the AAWT.

200 meters onwards from the hut I come out to a clearing of low scrub would be great spot to camp but would require some scrub mowing, marked a way point on the gps as a point of return, started heading upwards navigating over and around some big rocks, at around the 1300 meter contour line it started to climb steeper and a little more rough thicker scrub, popped out on Mt Erica just in time for lunch. 

After a bite I continued on the track proper to Talbot ruins and a visit to Talbot trig... was getting on 2 pm wasn't too interested walking further or camping at the ruins as was too early so slowly headed back down to Mushroom Rocks, was met with another two walkers coming the other way , was hoping Mushroom Rocks wasn't heaving with campers but pleasantly surprised had the place to myself, wandered around the rocks for awhile before setting up tent and relaxing for the arvo.

Was a cold clear night with a frosty start to the morning I headed back down and back to Melbourne, overall covered approx 13 kms, since there is no circuit walks on the Baw Baw Plateau I reckon this one is great if you don't mind some off piste walking.

Tuesday 2 April 2024

Mt Fainter North 28th -30 March


Headed off from Melbourne around 7:30pm on Good Friday eve for the long drive to Tawonga to car camp at Mountain Creek campground , the Hume Highway was busy with caravans making a dash out of Melbourne for the Easter long weekend. On arrival to camp at midnight the car park was full of cars as expected and suspect most headed for a stiff climb up to Mt Bogong and beyond the next day, not my thing walking with the masses best to avoid on long weekends.

Settled in quickly rolled the matt and sleep bag out in the back of my van and was asleep within 20 minutes waking up at around 7ish and snoozing to 8:30 next morning.

Was on the road by 9ish headed for the trailhead at Big Hill via a coffee and egg bacon roll in Mt Beauty went down a treat!. Drove an extra 20 minutes up a dusty dirt road which runs parallel to Falls Creek Rd arriving around 10ish

Made my way up the firetrail was beautiful day, passing on the left a km up is Roper Track which I  come up on a bike packing adventure in 2017 was happy to be avoiding it this time as its a steep climb up and real lung buster

Got to Spring Saddle by 11:30am dropped the pack and had a little break.

Spring Saddle

Was back on the trail and entered the the Alpine National Park and the Fainters Trail,

Almost stepped on a copperhead snake so decided to put my gaiters on , out of nowhere a group of 6 walkers come up behind me thought I had the trail to myself, after a chit chat they were on there way.

To my left the trail started opening up to high country views its a cruisy walk up to Bogong Jack Saddle arrived by about 2pm and decided it was time for lunch of tuna and cucumber bread roll.

Bogong Jack Saddle

After lunch headed up to the trail which sidles the Fainters, plan was to spend a night on Mt Fainter North since the weather gods were looking ideal. Was on the summit by before 4 pm 360 views all around of high plains to the north Mt Bogong and south Mt Feathertop its spectacular.

Pitched my tent and walked back down 15 minutes to collect water from a boggy marsh trickle of water, settled in for the afternoon with a cup of tea using my pack as pillow and lying down on the shady outside of the tent was perfect. Had a great sunset and sunrise, the temperature dipped to around 9 so got the puffer jacket and beanie on whilst enjoying golden hour.

Slept well and was up for sunrise before packing up and heading back down to the car, was back in Mt Beauty for lunch and coffee before heading back to Melbourne, a great quick  overnight hike with easy walking and no one around, will make a point of coming back in winter.


Looking east from Fainter North

Morning rays

Monday 11 March 2024

Wilsons Promontory Northern Circuit - March 1-3


Looking Northward vast wilderness

The last time walking this circuit was around 9 years ago its mentally tiring and a challenge to all hikers 

We decided to do it over 3 days , yeah stupidity. Partner in crime Spira was also up for the challenge , no doubt will be another epic. Leaving Melbourne late Thursday afternoon and arriving at 5 mile car park around 10pm we were soon off to bed , I slept in the back in the van , full moon was out and having speaking to the park ranger the previous day about permits and filling out a Hiker self Assessment form, she told us we were the only ones out on the Circuit for the next 3 days.
So hearing a car and headlights shining coming towards the car park I shat my pants , I peered out the window and a black van drove in and drive back out again... some time later I heard footsteps and flash from a torch my heart racing again I could only think Spira was going to be murdered and hopefully "Mr Murderer"will not see me in the van.....and I could still go hiking tomorrow 😆... I soon fell asleep after telling myself off for having silly thoughts, I watch too many true crime stories.

After breakfast and last minute preparations we started the walk up the vehicle management track was a little after 7am , weather was coolish crisp and sunny very pleasant for walking. Reaching the trailhead to Lower Barry Creek we turned left, the walking was nice until we hit a road block in the track which required a bit of a bush bash and where the hell is the track, like a pair of old wogs there was a bit of disagreeing and trying to agree to disagree on correct way to use the GPS, and which way is the best way to go, we both had our own ideas "you do it your way and ill do it my way!"  took us an hour longer than expected to reach L.B.C, the track was def not over grown in this section last time so was thinking we are in for a hell of a day ahead.

Lower Barry Creek

Reaching the creek was a relief already feeling stuffed we collected water and filled up our water bladders as there is no water until the next days camp.... I stripped down to my dickjocks and got in the creek so refreshing!..... I tried to climb out of the creeks walls but kept slipping .... before I knew it I was falling backwards back in the water I felt a sharp tree branch stabbed my leg calf at least 4 cms deep, looked horrific I quickly pulled it out which felt disgusting & blood spewing out, with a bit of a panic Spira helped me out and I gave it a clean and wacked a band aid on it.  Decided not to walk out back to the car and just keep walking and hope it gets better , was a discomforting ache for the rest of the day and knew when I stopped and cooled down was going to be  pain to extend and walk on.

After a long break we got going again , the trail varied with Banksias to sharp prickly Heathland bush  head high on non existent trails , was a constant battle of pushing down walking thru the shrub, the GPS was invaluable, pink flag tape would appear and a orange star picket would come into site sometimes, guiding us in the unforgiving wilderness. 

I stowed my trekking poles as they were no use for them as the scrub was just too thick for them, poking out above the side of the pack as they are not the fancy collapsible type proved problematic , as they kept on getting caught above the over hanging tree branches and whatever else was in the way would stop me from walking , forcing me to duck down or wrestle with it until I broke free was really frustrating , Spira told me to snap them in half or ditch them , but no way was I going to let my old crappy poles behind as I'm quite fond of them so I persisted with them... Yes I should have the collapsible type and not use shitty ones according to Spira but yes I agree mate!

Happy to see a marker.

Reaching Chinamans swamp was somewhat a relief which marks approximately the half way point to the beach on the west coast.  The swamp had an inch of water and boggy to walk on sinking down past our ankles, the second arm of the swamp was like quick sand Spira sunk both legs to the knees while I tried to take a different route across I sunk to one leg up to knee, now all muddy from head to toe I changed tack and bashed on the sides and reached the other end it was fucking exhausting,  but wait "There is more!' as Pete Smith from CopperArt would say , 
Was never ending as another part of the swamp was knee deep water now wet boots and feet and an ache on my calf was worried about the mud that would be getting into my wound.

Bogged down

After both having a fair share of tripping and falling more than a handful of times, the trail mentally was wearing thin and become real grind trying to reach the beach before sundown, was a sense of frustration and angst.
Finally after 13 hours the bushland thinned out, the ground become sandy and could see thru the trees the shoreline, the bush spat us out on the beach was a welcoming sight with the bushbash ordeal finished I stripped my muddy sweaty clothes off to dickjocks again and jumped in the water in the beautiful sunset and disinfected myself hoping my injured wound would benefit from the salt water.

A sight all day

We setup our tents on opposite sides of the beach and settled in for the night, feeling somewhat nauseous I forced my vegetable vindaloo down was missing an appetite surprisingly , my leg was hard to move as I had cooled right down and very sore, I knew it wasn't good but hoped tomorrow once I get walking I would warm up and be all good to push on.

As I looked up in the sky I saw something out of a sci-fi movie I thought maybe I was hallucinating due to fatigue and a slowly infecting wound, a perfect line of stars stood out in a series of 5 in a row stood out, it started moving at a rapid pace and disappeared . Next morning Spira also saw this and exchanged opinions of what it could of been, he captured this photo

After breakfast and tea and a slow pack up of tent etc... we headed north up the beach towards Tin Mine Cove and the turn off inland to reach the east coast and Johnny Souey Cove for the next camp and water source another 20 something kms away, the wind was cold and overcast which was good for walking.
Started off ok walking, putting up with pain with each step and hoping to warm up , but kept getting worse and hobbled the 3 kms to the trailhead , was physically impossible unfortunately had to abort the hike , luckily having some phone signal and not needing to set off the PLB I rang the rangers office at Tidal River and asked what best option of rescue is, suggesting 000 and after an hour of talking to police and ambulance services they decided to send out Air Ambulance by 11ish am 2 hours later a chopper came and circled us a few times was thinking have you not seen us, turns out they were figuring out where to land on the beach and if not too soft to plant all 3 wheels on the sand.
A paramedic was lowered down from the chopper onto the beach "Bear Grylls style" and came over to give us instructions on evacuation, original plan was for us to be winched up from the ground but the chopper changed idea and landed the two back wheels on sand and kept the front above the ground so no Bear Grylls style this time damn it!, given ear plugs and being sandblasted with sand from the down draft from the propellas we were loaded onto the chopper and flown to Tidal River where a ambulance was waiting for us to give us a lift back to the car, the views were awesome over the Promontory.
For safely reasons my trekking poles and gas canisters couldn't be stowed on the helicopter so left them behind stabbed in the sand , was a little sad but oh well Spira. thought it was amusing.

Once back at the car a quick coffee and made our way to Foster hospital for some antibiotics and a tetanus shot, was 43 years ago I had entered the world at the same hospital... a full circle.

 A trip to remember and one hell of a days walking , we will return another day to hopefully complete the circuit but in 4 days what "normal" people do

Coffee post hike 

The Route

Pink Waypoint rescue

Kudus to Air Ambulance Vic and its paramedics for a smooth get out of jail... the 15 minute trip back to Tidal River cost 18k but with Ambo membership free of charge.

3 and bit months later 13 June

Some 3 months later  I was passing thru Preston on my way home from Coburg 
I thought why not pop in and say hi to Spira for a catch up, after some chit chat on arrival 
He tells me he has a surprise for me as he is reaching under the outdoor porch couch he pulls out my crappy trekking poles & im looking at them in shock and surprised and thinking what the hell!??

Spira went back 2 months later and completed the circuit and yes my poles were still there upright in the sand and hauled them back to Melbourne, gas canisters were still there mine all rusty but still works.
Happy to have my poles back ill put them to rest and keep them as a souvenir.
A good memory and trip thanks mate.

Double Arse Fridays 30th-31st August

 As I type this laying in bed feeling exhausted I reflect on some memories of  number 25 Gillingham St, Preston, a home inhabited by Spira J...